Protect against footrot disease in sheep with Footvax. Footvax vaccine provides active immunisation of sheep and reduction of lesions of footrot.
Vaccination Programme:
Your Footvax® vaccination programme should be designed for your farm, in consultation with your veterinarian and used in conjunction with footbathing, hoof-paring, culling and antibiotic treatment.
Timing for best results varies depending on the risk period16.Early vaccination is the key to both its treatment and prevention.
Stock type: Sheep
- Dose: 1mL
- Initial Vaccination Programme: 2 shots
- Annual Booster: Required
- Administer by: Subcutaneous (SC) injection
- Stock type: Sheep
Footrot is a common cause of lameness in sheep. It is a contagious disease caused by bacteria, which, in the right conditions, produce enzymes which will soften and allow invasion of the hoof wall.
The disease is severe and can cause economic losses from reduced growth rates, decreased wool production, reduced fertility in ewes and rams, as well as increased costs of treatment and labour.
Most commonly seen in warm and wet conditions during spring and autumn, the bacteria spreads via infected feet and passes easily within the flock.
Footrot occurs due to a combination of:
- Infective factors involving bacteria – when moisture and temperature conditions are favourable, the diseases starts as inflammation between the claws. If the right bacteria are present it will develop through stages to severe under-running of the hoof
- Host factors – the immune status of the sheep and genetic selection for footrot resistance
- Environmental factors that create an ideal environment for transmission of the disease (eg. warmth, moisture)
Footrot is complex and difficult to deal with. However, it can be controlled and managed by:
• Reducing disease prevalance before the risk period by inspecting sheep for early detection of the disease and culling serious clinical cases
• Preventing spread of the disease through regular foot bathing
• Selecting for footrot resistant rams in your breeding programme
• Well-timed vaccination with Footvax® in conjunction with other management steps (such as foot-bathing, hoofparing, culling and antibiotic treatment)17.
Benefits of vaccination with Footvax:
- Stimulates immunity against 10 strains of Dichelobacter nodosus helping to prevent and treat footrot
- Protection depends on local conditions, but up to 4 months protection can be expected
- Primary vaccination interval of 6 weeks – 12 months allows flexibility to fit in with management plans*
- Able to be used at the same time as antibiotics
- Not to be used within 4 weeks of mating or lambing.
Footvax is one of the keys to taking control of footrot on your farm.
Footrot is a highly infectious disease causing lameness which is painful, can affect reproductive performance, and reduce wool yield and quality.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Footvax® and what does it protect against? | Footvax® is a vaccine designed to protect sheep from footrot, a common and contagious cause of lameness caused by bacteria. This disease can significantly impact productivity, causing economic losses from reduced growth rates, decreased wool production, and reduced fertility in ewes and rams. |
How is Footvax® administered and how often? | Footvax® is administered via a subcutaneous injection. The initial vaccination programme involves two doses (6 weeks to 12 months apart). Thereafter, an annual booster is required. However, the vaccination programme should be designed for your farm in consultation with your veterinarian and used in conjunction with other management practices such as footbathing, hoof-paring, culling, and antibiotic treatment. |
What are the benefits of vaccination with Footvax®? | Vaccination with Footvax® stimulates immunity against 10 strains of Dichelobacter nodosus, the bacteria that cause footrot. It helps prevent and treat footrot, and depending on local conditions, it can provide up to 4 months of protection. This flexible vaccine can be used at the same time as antibiotics, but it should not be used within 4 weeks of mating or lambing. |
Can I purchase Footvax® without a veterinary prescription? | No, Footvax® is only available from your veterinarian. Consult with your vet to incorporate Footvax® into a comprehensive footrot management plan for your flock. |